Marla Mason
Transformation Facilitator
Events: Opportunities to Connect
Series: Creating Heaven on Earth
I hear Spirit’s voice through my listening heart; I answer with compassionate action.
August 13, 20, 27, and Sep 9, 2017
Get Your God On!
July 9, 2017
Unity of Olympia
Better Together: God, Friends, and the Spiritual Journey
May 7, 2017
Can We Talk To God?
I hear Spirit’s voice through my listening heart; I answer with compassionate action.
February 19, 2017
Resolution Revolution!
This is the time of year we often resolve to make positive changes in our lives. Such resolutions often fall flat, though. What if we dropped our resolutions entirely and instead focused on strategies that genuinely support our living intentionally every day? Come find out how.
January 15, 2017
Women's Group
We strengthen our bond to the conscious spiritual journey and to one another by coming together to explore New Thought principles and providing spiritual and emotional support in healthy, powerful women’s community.